Pursuing purpose, trusting God

If you’re reading this, I’m certain that you once felt a certain pressure to achieve a physical goal or look a certain way, which can feel overwhelming! I admit, I’ve been there and done that too!

I’ve recently been on this health and fitness journey and to be honest it hasn’t been easy. From trying to strive to meet society’s expectations of how I should look or feel like to trying to balance the constant demands of life (I’m typing this as the pile of laundry in the corner is staring into my soul). But what if the secret to balance lies not in striving, but in surrendering?

Trusting God with my body and health has been a difficult and transformative journey that not only restores my physical well-being but also aligns myself with my God-given purpose.

I say that but I honestly still do not know what my purpose in this life is. However, I know that in order for me to fulfil the purpose God has for me, I need to look after the temple in which my soul abides in.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. This means our bodies are not merely vessels to be neglected—they are sacred, designed for both purpose and stewardship. When I started viewing my health through the lens of divine purpose, it changed my perspective. Caring for my body became an act of worship rather than a chore. Proper nutrition, exercise, and rest are not burdens but privileges that enable me to fulfil the work God has entrusted to me.

However, sometimes things happen beyond our control - unexpected illnesses, chronic conditions, or even mental health struggles. In these times, trusting God requires us to shift from self-reliance to faith.

I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) when I was 15, and I remember one time I asked God ‘why me? why give me this condition?’. I was experiencing irregular or no periods at all, excessive hair growth, weight gain, hair loss, acne and to add to that, I was told I might find it really difficult to get pregnant in the future. Now imagine having all these symptoms and having to deal with it everyday - yeah it’s not nice. Consider the story of Paul, who dealt with a “thorn in the flesh” (2 Corinthians 12:7-9). Despite praying for its removal, God responded, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. ” Paul’s testimony shows that trusting God doesn’t mean we will never face challenges, but it does mean that His strength will sustain us.

When I surrender my health concerns to God, I acknowledge that He is the ultimate Healer, the one who knows every cell of my body and holds my future in His hands.

One thing I’ve also learnt from my journey so far is balance is key. Whether is nutrition, exercise, or rest, balance is crucial. We have a God-given drive to accomplish our goals and serve others, but we also tend to neglect our health, which can lead to burnout and hinder the very mission we’re called to fulfil.

Jesus demonstrated this balance beautifully. He was relentless in His mission but also prioritised moments of rest and solitude (Mark 6:31). We can learn to steward our energy wisely, recognising that rest is not laziness—it’s obedience to God’s rhythm for our lives.

When we trust God with our bodies and health, we experience peace that transcends circumstances. Instead of striving to control every aspect of our well-being, we can rest in the assurance that He holds our lives in His hands. This trust frees us from anxiety and empowers us to walk boldly in our purpose, knowing that God will equip us for every good work.

Below are a few tips that have helped me and I pray it helps you too!

  • Honor Your Body: Fuel your body with nutritious foods, move regularly, and get adequate sleep. Think of these practices not as vanity but as preparation for the work God has set before you.

  • Set Healthy Boundaries: Do not overcommit. Saying “no” can be an act of trust, allowing space for God to work in ways we might not expect.

  • Find Your Identity in Christ: It’s easy to tie our worth to our productivity or appearance. But our true value lies in being children of God.

  • Trust the Process: Progress often comes in seasons. Celebrate small wins and trust that God is working all things for your good (Romans 8:28)!

As we pursue our goals and care for our health, let’s remember to keep God at the centre, for only then we can truly thrive.

What step will you take today to trust God more with your health and purpose?

Love always,




PURPOSE: Function, Identity, Agreement pt2