I am a brand!

Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

Do you accept Him as your Lord and saviour?

Do you believe He died on the cross for you?

Do you believe on the third day He rose again?

If yes, you my friend are branded. Branded with Christ. Branded by His blood. You are a brand.

So can we maybe dress like it please?

I get it, some days you don’t want to dress up, mornings can get busy, you’re running late… the list can go on. But what if I told you, you can still ‘throw something on’ and it can look like you spent your time styling in the morning?


Get yourself some staple pieces, key high quality elements for your closet that won’t go out of style. Pieces you can easily mix and match, dress up or dress down, whenever you like. We will dive into this separately, but don’t say I didn’t tell you!

Self care doesn’t have to mean doing something once a month and spending £70-£100 in one setting. But you can do it everyday, without having to break the bank and that starts with styling. It starts with putting in a little effort into what you wear, experimenting with creativity and having fun with it.

Benefits to styling:

  • Boots confidence: in your ability to make fashion choices

  • Boots creativity expression: through outfit, colour and texture combinations

  • Self-esteem boost: Choosing clothes that flatter your body shape and personal style can significantly improve your self-perception and confidence levels

  • Career opportunities: Becoming a professional fashion stylist opens up various career paths in fashion magazines, retail stores, celebrity styling, or personal image consulting

  • Professional image: A well-curated wardrobe can enhance your professional image, making a positive impression in the workplace.

The list continues, but let me put it this way

- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

"19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price.”

A temple is a place of worship yes, but be reminded that a temple has one of the most significant sculptural decorations on the exterior of the building.

It is a building that is captivating, pleasant to the eye.

Scripturally, we are informed that we are temples of the Holy Spirit. So not only have we received the precious gift, we also host His presence. Therefore, our exterior should also showcase this privilege.

Dont settle for dressing like your current circumstance, but remember to create time and make effort to dress like one who has the Spirit inside of them. Kings and queens know high fashion. Remember your royal membership.

So ladies, remember you are a brand. Let your style be an extension of the gospel. Let it showcase the goodness of God. Showcase your creativity. Oh, and it doesn’t need to break the bank!

TM x


What did I bag myself into?