What did I bag myself into?
I am a consumer and I love to shop! But just like the majority of shoppers out there, I buy without investigating the brands I am buying from. Who has the time anyway?
A few summers ago, I decided to start investing in high end products. I had my eye on a gorgeous super mini bag and I was so smitten over it, ready to pay the price (after talking myself into spending £835 of course), and the outfit ideas came rushing in. But there was one thing I couldn’t move past… the tiger head.
I twiddled my thumbs for days, I knew I was convicted but me being me, I bargained with God and even told him, ‘If I buy this bag, I can just pray over it and plea the blood of Jesus’… I can laugh now but looking back, I was actually ready to pay into a covenant I had no business with and I tried to make God understand.
But conviction made sense once I looked into the collection and stumbled on this… lets read the synopsis together:
Collection synopsis:
“the tiger-head hardware is an ode to the Greek god Dionysus, who in myth is said to have crossed the river Tigris on a tiger sent to him by Zeus”
The Greek god Dionysus is associated with the following: insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, fertility, festivity, wine-making and theatre.
The word:
Exodus 20:3-4
3 “You shall have no other gods before me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below”
Lets talk about it:
Buying something means you are investing. The thing you are investing in becomes an asset, something you have now gained in exchange for something else. It is now your possession. Buying the bag didn’t just mean I was buying something that looked pleasurable to me, but it also meant I was buying into the vision and the belief system of that brand too.
Remember I said I was smitten over the bag before I bought it? If I wasn’t careful, I would’ve eventually attached myself psychologically to the bag, and unconsciously to the values and belief attached to the creation of that bag. God knew me enough to know, if I bought it, that bag would’ve been an idol. And I would’ve served the idol and all it represented unintentionally. I was not created to serve two masters (Matthew 6:24) but instead to worship God and Him alone (Matthew 4:10/Luke 4:8)
For my spiritual health, sanity, growth and protection … the purchase just wasn’t worth it ( we will discuss more about this another time). But it opened my eyes to the reality that covenants can be made so easily, even down to what we are buying.
So, to my fashion girls, here is a the take away:
Always be mindful of what you’re buying and WHO you’re buying from.
If you feel reluctanct to purchase, investigate and assess why.
Conviction is protection, follow and listen to what God is saying.
Even though it’s cute, it doesn’t mean you should buy it. As they say ‘wolf in sheep clothing’.
Be reminded:
God cares about the little things. And sometimes being the light means saying no to things that can darken your light.
TM x